- Alpaca Dryer Balls, Alpacas, Animals, chickens, Dogs, Dryer Balls, Family Fun, Farm Chores, Farm Life, Kids, Photo Uupdate, pretty scenery, Products For Sale, Sheep, snow, Spring, Update, winter weather
Photo Update – February 2022
Signs of spring, snow, farm animals, fiber preparation and family. Please enjoy this latest photo update of happenings on our homestead.
- Alpacas, Animals, Bunnies, chickens, Dogs, Farm Chores, Farm Life, Farm Work, Garden, Goals and Plans, Kids, pretty scenery, Projects, Sheep, snow, Update, Wildlife, winter weather
Another Photo Update
Melting snow, mud, sunrise, blue skies, cool clouds, puppies, farm animals... what more could a person want?!
- Alpacas, Animals, chickens, Dogs, Family Fun, Farm Chores, Farm Life, Farm Work, Kids, pretty scenery, Sheep, snow, Wildlife, winter weather
Photo Update from two weeks ago…
There was snow and freezing temps, lots of frozen water containers for the animals, frozen gates and latches, hungry wildlife, beautiful sunrises and scenery, and happy puppies! The snow soon turned to slush and then the yard…
- Adventures off the homestead, Alpacas, Animals, chickens, Dogs, Farm Chores, Farm Life, Farm Work, Holidays, Homestead Lessons Learned, Kitty, pretty scenery, Sheep, Sheep, snow, winter weather
Last Week’s Fun in Photos
Last week was full of weather craziness (wind, rain, mud, slush, snow, freezing temperatures, more snow, snow, and freezing temperatures!), lots of animal care, dogs, dogs and more dogs, treat delivery, celebrating Christmas at home with just…
- Adventures off the homestead, Alpacas, Animals, Checking In, chickens, Dogs, Family Fun, Farm Chores, Kids, Sheep, Update
Last Week in Photos
Cool clouds, grape jelly, Christmas tree and a new puppy. It was a pretty great, even if super soggy week!
- Alpacas, Bunnies, Checking In, chickens, Dogs, Fall Fun, Farm Chores, Farm Life, pretty scenery, Products For Sale, Sheep, Update
Photos from last week
We started last week with lots of rain and ended it with freezing temperatures and frost. Here are some photos from the week!
- Alpacas, Animals, Bunnies, chickens, Dogs, Family Fun, Farm Chores, Farm Life, Homestead Lessons Learned, pretty scenery, Sheep, snow, winter weather
Homestead Snow Day in the PNW: Animal care, homestead “sledding”, and baking cookies
Lots of fun in the PNW snow - animal care, homestead "sledding" and pretty scenes.
- Alpacas, Animals, Checking In, chickens, Dogs, Family Fun, Farm Chores, Farm Life, Farm Work, Garden, Goals and Plans, Homeschool, Hopes and Dreams, Kids, Kitty, pretty scenery, Products For Sale, Projects, Sheep, Update, Weekly Wrap-Ups, winter weather
Weekly Wrap-Up #4: Rain, planting trees and berry bushes, first day of school, hunting and more
Weekly Wrap-Up #4: Lots of rain, planting trees and berry bushes, first day of school, hunting and more
- Alpacas, Animals, Bunnies, Checking In, chickens, Dogs, Dryer Balls, Family Fun, Farm Chores, Farm Life, Garden, Goals and Plans, Homeschool, Homestead Lessons Learned, Hopes and Dreams, Kids, Kitty, Products For Sale, Sheep, Update, Weekly Wrap-Ups, Wildlife, Woodworking
Weekly Wrap-Up #3
Weekly Wrap-Up #3 is slightly (okay, really!!) delayed, but full of photos and stories from happenings on our homestead in the past three weeks!
- Adventures off the homestead, Alpacas, Animals, Bunnies, Checking In, chickens, Community, Family Fun, Farm Chores, Farm Life, Farm Stand, Goals and Plans, Homeschool, Hopes and Dreams, Kids, pretty scenery, Products For Sale, Sheep, Update, Weekly Wrap-Ups
Weekly Wrap Up #2
1/8/21 Happy New Year! Thank you so much for reading! My first Weekly Wrap-Up got lots of great feedback and I’m so happy you’re liking this idea! It’s a good opportunity for me to see what we’ve…