- Alpacas, Animals, Checking In, chickens, Dogs, Family Fun, Farm Chores, Farm Life, Farm Work, Garden, Goals and Plans, Homeschool, Hopes and Dreams, Kids, Kitty, pretty scenery, Products For Sale, Projects, Sheep, Update, Weekly Wrap-Ups, winter weather
Weekly Wrap-Up #4: Rain, planting trees and berry bushes, first day of school, hunting and more
Weekly Wrap-Up #4: Lots of rain, planting trees and berry bushes, first day of school, hunting and more
- Adventures off the homestead, Alpaca Dryer Balls, Animals, Canning, Dryer Balls, Family Fun, Farm Chores, Farm Life, Farm Stand, Farm Work, Garden, Homeschool, Kids, makers and growers market, pretty scenery, Products For Sale, Welcome!
Introduction: What We Do
Part 2 of our Introduction - What we do!
Happy Halloween!
My thoughts on Halloween and what we're learning today in homeschool
Another Field Trip – Padilla Bay Estuamarine Research Center
Another homeschool field trip - this time to Padilla Bay Estuamarine Research Center
Our Barnum Point Preserve Field Trip
We took a homeschool field trip to Barnum Point Preserve.
Homestead Childcare/Homeschool – A Day in the Life
In August, I started taking care of my cousin’s daughters three days a week, and it’s been so fun! Four kids under 8 years old can be a handful – but we are working out a routine…