**NEW** Products For Sale Page
I just added a page to our website called “Products For Sale”… guess what I have there?
You guessed it, you’re so smart!
There you will find some of the products we have for sale made and grown by us, here on the homestead.
Here’s the link: http://stevenshomestead.com/products-for-sale/
(You can also find it in the tabs along the top of the home page here on our website.)
Today I posted some of the things that were left over after the Makers and Growers Market… alpaca dryer balls, cedar patio furniture, wooden fish, photo greeting cards, and cork hearts.
I’m sure that they weren’t left because people didn’t want them… who WOULDN’T want alpaca balls? I’m sure people were just overwhelmed with all the great things we had here, and they didn’t want to spend their life savings on the first market, when there are so many more coming up. Next one is May 25th, you know… less than a month!
Here’s the thing, though… Mother’s Day is just right around the corner… only 12 days away! Some of these things would be great gifts for Mother’s Day… AND you’ll be supporting a local, family business… US! The Stevenses! And Father’s Day is coming up, too. Fathers LOVE to have a nice place to sit outside… and they LOVE to have wooden fish hanging on the wall, especially if those fish have key hooks so they don’t have to ask everyone where they put their keys! And Mothers and Fathers would love to have a greeting card with beautiful scenery, especially once you fill it with all your heartfelt thank yous and I love yous inside!
So check it out… maybe you can CHECK some shopping off your list, too! 🙂 You can email me at stevenshomestead@hotmail.com or send me a message on our Facebook page and we’ll figure out the details.
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