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Product Spotlight – Dryer Balls

Dryer Balls are our most popular product and what I make the most… So far!!😊. I have even been called “Dryer Ball Queen” by another local fiber artist… I’ll wear that crown with pride!👑

Dryer balls are a natural, non-toxic, chemical-free alternative to dryer sheets which have been found to be harmful to humans and the environment. They bounce around in the dryer with your laundry and help reduce dryer time and static cling and actually make your clothes softer.

Adding just a couple of drops of essential oil to your dryer balls adds some aromatherapy and helps those of us who like to be natural and non-toxic but also mix the great-smelling laundry! I’ve tried a lot of oil brands and doTERRA is my favorite by far…ask me for more information!

I’ve read that dryer balls last three years and up to 1,000 loads but mine are still going strong three plus years later. If they start to lose the static cling fighting strength, I just run then through a washer and dryer load with the clothes I’m washing and they are “recharged” and ready to fight again!

Our dryer balls are handmade here on our homestead with 100% alpaca fiber and sheep wool – no filler, no yarn in the middle, no dye, just fiber and/or wool. They are natural colors, sometimes solid, sometimes marbled and mixed!

Any color is fine with any load…you don’t need white for white loads and dark for dark loads. They do not shed or bleed colors in the dryer.

The fiber and wool come from animals on our homestead or from farms we know where the animals are well-cared for and loved. They are shorn in the spring, the fiber and wool is washed, dried, and processed by me, and then the dryer balls are made, packaged and shipped (if necessary) by me!

I make three types of dryer balls – alpaca, wool and a combination.

The alpaca dryer balls tend to felt more tightly resulting in a smaller, tighter ball that tends to be louder in the dryer, but it tosses the clothes around a little better and doesn’t get stuck in one clothing item as easily!

The wool dryer balls tend to be bigger and looser… they are quieter when bouncing around in the dryer and I think they absorb excess water better than the alpaca dryer balls.

And, as you might have guessed, the combo is the best of both worlds. I use them all equally and love them all!

We sell sets of three dryer balls in a cute and farmy burlap bag (ready for gifting!) for $20 each ($25 shipped in the US).

You can order dryer balls directly through me at, on our online store, at the farm stand on our property here in Stanwood, Washington, and at Rustic Redemption in Granite Falls, WA. I will also be a vendor at a couple of local markets this spring and summer. Stay tuned for more information on that!

Please reach out if you have any questions! I love to hear from you!

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